Pierrot Bidon

Archaos was just one chapter/adventure of Pierrots. A short and intense period for all involved. In December 2010 The Entropik Association was established to document and celebrate the whole of Pierrots story.

Pierrots archive was given to the nation by Ana and the Entropik Association it is now housed in Paris at the Department of Performing Arts, of the BnF.

You can contact them and view the archive here:


The other pages celebrate the work Pierrot did with many companies around the world. If we have missed a project please get in touch with some details and we will add it to the archive.

By: Gerry Cottle

The Independant - 1st April 2010

Pierric Pillot, aka Pierrot Bidon, was the creator of

Archaos and one of the founding fathers of New Circus.

He had a profound influence on the development of the world

of circus in the late 20th and early 21st century.

Born in 1954 in Mans, Bidon was 20 years old when he created

his first circus, Circus Bidon, in 1975. The show worked the

villages and small towns of France and Italy for 10 years

with the athletic Bidon taking to the ring as a tightrope

walker. It was a traditional travelling circus with 25

horses and exquisite gypsy caravans, but even when working a

traditional circuit, a playful streak was evident; bidon can

mean "can" or "flask", but there is little doubt in my mind

that the various slang meanings, including "hot air" and

"fake", were high in Bidon's mind when he named it.

Travelling in this way, he saw how little impact the

industrial world had had on the circus, the form of which

had remained virtually unchanged for nearly two centuries.

"We live in an industrial world, which is just as wild and

just as glamorous as all the nostalgic tinsel and tatty

tigers," Bidon said. "So we decided not to reject but to

embrace it."

He traded in horse and caravans for motorbikes and chainsaws and, in 1986, roared out with Archaos (meaning "Beginning"),

a whole new take on the circus - an exhilarating, thrilling

and authority-baiting fusion of infernal factory, car chase

and circus. Pierrot's approach was anarchic and yet deeply

rooted in the origins of circus. The troupe he gathered to

take Archaos abroad was a disparate bunch united by his

warm, patriarchal generosity and thrilling sense of

invention and adventure, be that splitting an untaxed car in

two on the Royal Mile in Edinburgh, training the few animals

that were used in the show to perform a routine in which

they taught their masters new tricks or unleashing another

salvo of carefully choreographed anarchy.

Bidon entertained the masses with oxy-acetylene torches,

angle grinders, motorbikes, chainsaws, Semtex and the odd

bewildered chicken. Jugglers were in boiler suits while

clowns strapped corrugated iron to their backs, wielded lump

hammers and battered other clowns for laughs.

Archaos's shows in England were met with excitement and

outrage - Bristol Council banned their show after a wave of

hysterical press reportage - and Bidon gleefully used this,

whipping up a frenzy that saw Archaos become the toast of

Europe. And then, in 1991, it all collapsed. On the eve of a

trip to America with the Metal Clown tour, the Archaos tent

was destroyed in a storm and the company fell apart.

Others from Archaos went on to successful careers with

Cirque du Soleil and more. Bidon created Circo da Madrugada

out of a series of workshops driven by social programmes in

schools and shanty towns with the dispossessed. He also

created Circus Baobab, an extravaganza of dancing, high-risk

acrobatics, juggling and clowning, sound-tracked by

high-energy traditional West African music, and travelled

the world working on spectacular shows for openings and


"New Circus is more traditional than the other circus," he

said at the height of Archaos's fame. "Ordinary circus has

become incorporated. It's dull. People are in it for the

money and the spirit suffers. What we have tried to do is

recapture the spirit and the passion of performing."

I employed him in 2004 to direct the Circus of Horrors, set

up in 1995 to fill the gap left by Archaos, because, as a

rock'n'roller - and as a family man - Pierrot approached

everything he did with passion. He was never dull or

incorporated. His spirit reinvigorated the modern circus.

Without his input, it could have taken a great deal longer

to reinvent and radicalise the form. He had known for a

while that he was ill, but this did not dull his sense of

rock'n' roll. His parting gesture was to give the peace and

love sign in one hand and the third finger on the other.

Pierric Pillot (Pierrot Bidon), circus performer and

director: born 1 January 1954; married Ana (two children) died Arles, France 9 March 2010