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Avez-vous vu Archaos ou l'une des autres créations de Pierrot ? Comment vous ont-ils influencé ? Parlez-nous de vos souvenirs et si vous avez des photos ou des films, envoyez-les-nous par e-mail afin que nous puissions les ajouter aux archives.

Archaos printed their own money, unfortunately no bars would accept it.

Music Video's and Adverts

Archaos were often approached by various agencies who wanted to use the tent and performers as back drops for music videos and advertising campaigns. One such was a shoot for Haynes in Edinburgh 1990

Mark Borkowski and the Press

The first uber client Borkowski PR ever had was Archaos, the punk circus which scandalized the UK between 1988 and 1991 with dangerous chainsaw-juggling, a raunchy Gallic attitude and explosive, two-fingers-in-the-face-of Health & Safety performances. The UK circus scene was shaken to its very core and would never be the same again. And I’m proud to have been the impropergandist that crafted their media profile.

The groundbreaking campaign for Archaos was the foundation for the Borkowski ethos. One of the immutable things about the company is our attachment to a good yarn, a great tale, a strange story,...

Remembering Archaos 'Circus with Attitude,


It was the summer of 1989 and my heart began beating double-time from the moment Archaos entered their tent on Edinburgh’s Leith Links. The maniacally grinning clown positioned two feet from my head started smashing a flaming baton against a metal tent support.

To my left, sparks were flying from a similar confrontation between a pole and a chainsaw. In the centre ring, the standard circus fire-breather jostled for attention with a whooshing blowtorch. A car exploded. At the climax of the show, a clarinettist descended head-first from the canvas heavens with one foot...

Le Clown sans nez

Est ce que vous connaissez l'histoire du clown qui n'a plus de nez ? Non, et bien je vais vous la raconter. Lorsque j'ai senti le coup sur mon menton, je savais que c'était fini. Un coup de tronçonneuse, on a pas idée avant d'en avoir pris un de l'effet que ça peut faire, surtout quand on le prend dans la gueule. La gueule, c'est par définition l'endroit de son propre corps qu'on voit le moins. On pourrait penser que ça coupe, mais ça ne fait pas du tout le même effet qu'un rasoir ou qu'un couteau, la chair...

La baleine éventrée

Show must go on Le chapiteau décharné rend l'âme Échoué comme une grosse baleine Contre une tempête infâme Il s'est battu à en perdre haleine La cathédrale squelette réveille en moi Avec ses lambeaux de toiles pendus Une folie qui me fait oublier la foi En écho à tous mes rires perdus La terre des Celtes nous condamne Il n'y a point de druide, ni de chêne Et le Thallag hurlant nous réclame De payer le prix de notre blasphème Sur mes épaules, trop de poids Je pose un genoux à terre, fourbu Hier au sommet, j'étais le roi...

Remembering Pierrot

By Mark Borkowski

Composing this Requiem for a dear friend is made more difficult, knowing that I am missing his funeral as I write it. Any number of emotions envelop reasoning. Pierrot Bidon is dead. Long live Pierrot Bidon. It was impossible able to thank Pierrot. He gave me the opportunity to experiment in a genre of maverick hype that forged my early career in entertainment publicity. And now it’s too late.

Pierrot will always be the first name on my fantasy dinner party guest list. He would have a dual role: as a mischievous sprite to help create...

Glastonbury 1990

Archaos headlined the pyramid stage for all three nights of the festival in 1990.

From The Telegraph

In 1990 there was a real stunt at Glastonbury that knocks all the preceding examples into a cocked druid’s hat. A Frenchman called Didier Pasquette walked to the pinnacle of the Pyramid stage on a tightrope. It was part of a death-defying display by theatre troupe Archaos, who remain the only circus act to ever perform on Glastonbury’s main stage. People involved can still scarcely believe what they saw. “You couldn’t do it now. You just couldn’t get it past health...

Cynthia Payne kidnapped by Archaos

text to follow


Live music integral part of any Archaos show

Les Marcel Burin - Last Show on Earth & BX-91

Chihuahua - Bouinax

The Thunderdogs - Metal Clown